Saturday, September 26, 2009

Mom's Morning Out!

Perfect weather for us to play outside. I put my bathing suit on and Eli, Sadie, and I played so hard. Here's snack time at our picnic table. Too cute! Sadie turned around and said, "cheese!"
I think the picture of their backs is my favorite! So adorable! They loved the sprinkler! What a blast!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Outside Fun!

Grandma and Granddaddy came for a quick visit. Boy we had fun! Here Eli was trying out Grandma's sunglasses being silly. We chased some frogs and laughed hysterically!
Getting this walking thing down!

Eli loves Weebles. He spends a huge part of his day playing with them.

Tons of fun with the water table on the back deck!!! My friend Becky let us borrow her water table for Eli's birthday party and said we could use it for a while. It is a big time! We LOVE it! This weather has been perfect for it.

"Come on Puff...quick Charlie no ones looking!"
Eli has learned how to open the back brings lots of fun. He likes to let Puff in and Charlie out. He gets so proud when he opens it. Now he can open it and get out himself.
Oops...I caught his fall on camera!

My friend Sarah and her daughter Sadie (Eli's partner in crime) came over...Eli wanted to try on Sadie's pink rain boots. Too cute!

The Boys & The Bensons

One morning Julian came in and laid down while Eli and I were getting ready for morning nap....he ended up napping on the floor in Eli's room a while...too cute. My two boys...just a little difference in size right now, but Eli's catching up as quick as he can.....then got up and moved to the sofa...and yes he is sleeping with his phone handy in case he gets a text or call. Teenagers are intersting creatures that is for sure!!

Evening with The Benson's always one of our favorites! Holly pulled off a great surprise birthday for Charlie.

Here's the whole gang....

Yeah...He is just chillin' out in his wagon! It was raining this day and I backed the van out of the garage in desperate need to get out...we wheeled around and around the garage. He loves his wagon! :o)

Eli's Backyard Beach Birthday!

Adorable! This little white rocking chair was Julian's when he was little. Eli loves it. G-ma and G-daddy brought it for Eli's birthday.
Three of my favorite little boys in the world!

Not so sure about this cake thing...

....okay so I think I like birthday cake pretty good!

Friends hanging out!

Opening birthday gifts!

O No! Eli doesn't feel good. Uncle Barry cuddles for a little while with him!
Silly Uncle Barry :o)
The water table was a hit!

Catching up!

I have been really bad keeping the blog updated lately and I appologize. These pictures are mainly from the middle of August through the end. He keeps me so busy I have been slack with I will catch you up.Eli is very serious in this picture. He was painting a thank you note to his G-ma, G-daddy, Auntie, and Uncle for taking care of him while Mom and Dad were in Italy! :o) Wow! We love them for that!!!
This is Eli and his friend Addi playing. She was trying to get him to pay attention while she read him a book.

Eli borrowed his friend Sadie's picnic table for a few weeks and fell in love with it. She let him borrow it for his birthday party early. He loved it so much his Aunt Aunnie bought him one for his b-day.

Eli and Sadie coloring!

August 29th Kathleen & her dog Bogie came to visit us! It was awesome to finally share Eli with Kat and for her to get to know him a little.

Eli thought Bogie was super cool....and yes this is Eli and Bogie playing. When Eli would crawl...Bogie thought he was a fellow dog to jump on. It was hilarious!

Here it looks like Kat and I are in the Rain just hangin' on the porch! ;o)